
Warts are small, hard lumps that appear on the hands and feet. They can appear singly or in clusters but aren’t usually painful. 

Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus which causes an excess amount of keratin (a hard protein) to develop in the top skin layer. This protein forms the rough, hard texture of a wart.

Signs and symptoms:

There are several different types of warts, all with different appearances.

Common warts are usually round, firm and raised with a rough texture. They mostly appear on the hands and feet and can be up to 1cm in diameter. 

Verrucas are also warts and are usually found on the soles of the feet. They are white, often with a black spot in the middle. Because they’re on the feet they often present as flat, rather than raised.  

The yellowish plane warts develop in clusters. They’re quite small - between 2-4mm in diameter and are smooth and round. They tend to affect young children on the hands, face and legs.

Filiform warts are long and slim in appearance, often developing on the neck or face.

Mosaic warts appear in clusters and form a tile-like pattern. Common on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Lifestyle tips: 

Don’t touch other people’s warts, nor scratch or pick any you have. The virus can be spread easily if you cut yourself while shaving your legs. 

Do not share socks, shoes or towels with someone who has a verruca or wart. 

If you have a wart or verruca, you should cover it up with a plaster, sock or glove if you are going to the swimming pool or gym. 

Diet tips:

It can be useful to try to eliminate any food allergens including dairy and wheat.

Eat foods high in B-vitamins and calcium, including some nuts, beans, whole grains and dark leafy greens. Also include antioxidant-rich foods in your diet including fruits like blueberries and cherries and vegetables like peppers.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol and refined foods and sugar. 

Akoma recommends:

If you suffer with warts, you should use a natural skin treatment that has antibacterial properties.

Akoma Tea Tree Essential Oil is rich with the antibacterial ingredients that treat the staphylococcus bug responsible for causing many skin infections. Use it directly onto the wart for the four times a day to stop the infection spreading and help its recovery.

If you’d prefer a more neutral smelling product, Akoma Grapefruit Seed Oil is full of natural antibacterial properties and is antifungal. Apply to the wart twice a day to reduce the infection.