Akoma Cooperative Cooking Shed Suffers After Heavy Storm (AITC)

Two years ago the Upper West Region and parts of the Upper East and Northern Regions of Ghana experienced very heavy rains during the season.

This year almost the entirety of the southern and middle belts of Ghana have also had their share of this catastrophe even though we are yet to cross the sixty percent mark of the rainy season.  A couple of weeks ago the AITC (Akoma International Trade Centre) at Pusu Namogo in the Upper-East Region of Ghana among others suffered a devastating storm characterized by heavy winds. This led to the total collapse of a section of the cooking shed while parts of the fence wall were also affected as a result. The polytank for storing water on site was empty at the time and was blown away by this massive wind to a distance of about 650metres. This is the first time such a disaster has bedevilled the centre since its completion in September 2008 and the total cost of damage amounts about GH¢1150 (one thousand one hundred and fifty Ghana cedis) approximately £500.

The villagers who form the Akoma Cooperative however were not spared as most of them had their straw/aluminum roof ripped-off. Juliana Sampana, president of the Akoma Cooperative declared that through their environmental officers with support from Trade Akoma (Ghana) Limited will soon embark on a strategic tree planting exercise to serve as wind blocks in the future. In the meantime repair works are yet to begin.

Akoma Ghana Team

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