Get Ready For Fairtrade Fortnight 2018!

If, like Akoma, you believe everyone of us has the power to fight poverty and injustice by making ethical choices as consumers, you’ll be as excited as we are about Fairtrade Fortnight. 

Fairtrade Fortnight takes place from 26th February to 11th March 2018 and is your opportunity to show support for farmers around the globe, who make the products we enjoy every day.

Why Fairtrade Matters 

When powerful organisations control supply chains and place financial gain before livelihoods and sustainability, marginalised farmers often have no choice but to sell their produce at below market value. This leads to many farmers in developing countries struggling to support their families, while their produce is sold in lucrative markets around the globe.

The Fairtrade Foundation is committed to raising awareness of the importance of equitable trade partnerships. By working with businesses and the government, the Fairtrade Foundation campaigns for fair trade policies that fight exploitation of workers and the environment.

Goods bearing the FAIRTRADE Mark are a sign of a brand’s commitment to pay fair prices, provide good working conditions, and to invest in creating sustainable futures for the communities behind their supply chains.

Creating Demand For Fairtrade Products

We can make a difference as individuals by creating demand for Fairtrade products, but collectively we can make an even greater difference. Fairtrade Fortnight is our shared opportunity to influence how food ingredients sourced from developing countries are produced and sold.

How To Get Involved 

The best part of Fairtrade Fortnight is that anyone can get involved, and it all starts by simply choosing to buy a FAIRTRADE marked product and telling others about your choice.
There are numerous ways you can get take part; from supporting an organised event held at a business, local church, or school, to donating. Here are some of our favourite ideas:

  • Host your own Fairtrade coffee morning with cakes made from Fairtrade ingredients.
  • Treat the children to delicious Fairtrade bananas dipped in Fairtrade chocolate.
  • Give beautiful Fairtrade roses as a gift to a loved one.
  • Treat yourself to a luxurious pamper evening with Fairtrade organic shea butter beauty                  products.
  • Enjoy a glass of Fairtrade wine with friends.

Visit the Fairtrade Foundation website for information on how to host your own event, or community events to look out for.

Akoma & Fairtrade

At Akoma, our work with the Fairtrade Foundation is helping to improve the lives of the women working at our cooperative in Ghana; The Akoma Cooperative Multipurpose Society.

Here, near Bolgatanga, one of the poorest regions in Upper East Ghana, we provide dignified employment opportunities, healthcare and education to the women who harvest and process our Fairtrade shea butter at the Akoma facility.

We are proud to have experienced first-hand how Fairtrade cooperatives are changing lives for the better, and to be part of a movement we are passionate about. We hope you will join us by showing your support for Fairtrade Fortnight, while enjoying some fantastic Fairtrade products.

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