The benefits of our Black Soap Shampoo
If you haven’t tried Black Soap you haven’t lived. If you are one of those people who prefers products like Origins, Body Shop, and Garden Botanika to Revlon then you will absolutely appreciate the Black Soap made by the Akoma Cooperative. Made from cocoa pods, virgin coconut oil, and Raw Shea Butter, our shampoo is packed full with vitamin A, C, and D power, loaded with anti-aging anti-oxidants and is made in the traditional way by Pusu-Namogo villagers in Ghana, who have worked to form a community cooperative that benefits all within their community.
Our Black Soap Shampoo
African Black Soap’s antioxidant levels make this shampoo a perfect addition to your natural hair care routine, with it's exceptional blend of natural ingredients that helps to cleanse and heal the scalp while creating healthy space for hair growth, acting as an anti-bacterial agent to prevent any scalp irritation and inflammation.
We have infused this with the refreshing and strengthening effects of peppermint essential oil that helps to stimulate your scalp and hair follicles leaving your it feeling nourished and hydrated without weighing it down.
Aroma: Peppermint
Weight: 250ml
Origin: Ghana