Corns and calluses
Corns and calluses are hard and thickened areas skin. They can appear anywhere on the body where the skin is exposed to constant pressure.
Most commonly corns and calluses are found on the feet and hands.
Corns and calluses signs and symptoms:
Corns looks like small circles on the skin. They are thickened parts of skin that are sensitive to touch and can often hurt when pressure is applied.
Often they develop on the sides of your toes or on the soles of your feet as these areas are in excessive contact with the floor.
Bunions or bent toes can also cause corns to form as the enlarged bone or joint is rubbing against your other toes.
Calluses can also form in similar areas of the body. They are yellowish and rough or hard to the touch. If you work in manual jobs, calluses can also develop on the palms of the hands or knuckles.
Lifestyle tips:
Corns and calluses form when areas of the skin are exposed to pressure or friction. Often this can be from poorly-fitting shoes that rub. Repetitive exercises that are strenuous on the feet, such as running, can put a huge amount of pressure on the sole. This makes the skin thicken to protect deeper tissues, causes calluses to form.
Using a pumice stone can help to relieve some of the pressure cause by corns and calluses. Also regularly using a specialist foot cream or natural substitute after washing your feet will soften any problem hardened skin.
Diet tips:
It hasn’t been proven that any foods can directly help corns and calluses but sufferers should have a diet that promotes healthy skin.
Salicylic acid has been shown to soften hard skin so introducing it into your diet may help your reduce the chance of corns or calluses forming. Fruits and vegetables are natural sources of salicylic acid, particularly blackberries, blueberries, tomatoes, olives and mushrooms.
Vitamin E is also very important for healthy skin as it helps to prevent cell damage and supports repair after damage. Foods such as almonds, avocados, hazelnuts and pine nuts are rich in vitamin E so introducing them into your diet can help to improve your skin.
Akoma recommends:
To treat corns and calluses naturally, use exfoliants which contain a coarse grain and have antibacterial properties to prevent the sores from reoccurring.
Akoma Ghanaian Red Palm Exfoliating Soap is great for softening rough skin as it contains raw shea butter and raw palm oil that moisturisers and rehydrates dry areas.
To help clear any skin infections, Akoma Black Soap is a natural antibacterial product that reduces any damage to the skin. Black soap is also rich in antioxidants that improve the general health of your skin, helping it to fight off infections in future.