Dry skin
Dry skin is a condition that causes the skin to crack or become flaky. It can happen at any time and for a number of reasons.
It can affect any person for a period of time but some people also have naturally dry skin that requires certain lifestyle changes to help improve the condition.
Dry skin signs and symptoms:
Dry skin can have a variety of different symptoms depending on the type of skin you have. Some may suffer from scaling skin which regularly sheds and become itchy. Other may have patches of rough skin which is discoloured.
Most commonly the affected areas of skin are on the legs, arms and stomach, as well as the face.
Lifestyle tips:
Often environmental factors can have a big impact on areas of dry skin. In colder months, the humidity is lower which dries out the skin. Spending a lot of time indoors with high heating also has the same effect.
People who bathe often or use products with a high alcohol content may also find patches of their skin become flaky and itchy for a period of time.
Diet tips:
For dry skin, it’s important to eat a diet rich in monounsaturated fats. These fats help your skin lock in moisture and protects its outer layer from environmental damage. Foods like avocados and oily fish are rich in monounsaturated fats so regularly include them in your meals.
Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that help your skin produce collagen and repair skin cells so foods which are high in them are great recovery after a dryness flare up. Dark leafy vegetables such as kale and broccoli have some of the highest concentration of these vitamins.
Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated as this can also be a cause of dry skin. The recommended daily amount is between eight to ten 200ml glasses.
Akoma recommends:
If you suffer with dry skin, you should use moisturising products that naturally encourages your skin to heal, without artificial chemicals or preservatives.
We recommend Akoma Shea Butter as it has unrivalled properties for improving drying skin conditions.
It is packed with principal fatty acids that give the butter increased levels of vitamin A and E along with plenty of other antioxidants. These help to deeply soothe sore patches of dry skin and protect against further damage in future.
For people with sensitive skin, Akoma Almond Butter is a deep moisturising alternative. Almond butter is rich in vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids that create a non-greasy barrier against environmental pollutants that could further dry out the skin.
Vitamin E is vital for keeping your skin supple as it protect the collagen which produces your skin’s moisture. As we can’t produce it naturally ourselves, it’s important to regularly include it in your skin care routine and diet.