Rosacea is a fairly common, non-contagious skin condition that usually affects the face. Around 1 in 10 people people throughout the UK have Rosacea, but it can occur at any time during middle age.
There is no cure for Rosacea but it’s symptoms can be controlled by effective treatment and lifestyle choices.
Rosacea signs and symptoms:
Rosacea can affect different people in different ways, but the most common area where symptoms appear are on the face.
Symptoms can begin with flushing of the skin turning red for short period of time. Sufferers may find they get a burning sensation, spots and small blood vessels may become visible on the surface of the skin. This can lead to permanent redness for periods of time.
Sufferers may have eye problems including dry eyes or sore eyelids.
The causes of rosacea are unknown. Some factors have shown it could be brought on by abnormalities in blood vessels and a reaction to certain microscopic mites. It can be a relapsing condition so you may have periods when symptoms are bad, followed by periods when rosacea is less severe.
Lifestyle tips:
Environmental factors aren’t a direct cause of the condition but they can trigger flares ups of rosacea.
Exposure to sunlight is thought make symptoms much worse so wearing sunscreen over factor 30 can help to protect your skin. Make sure any cream you use is suitable for sensitive skin types.
Other lifestyle changes which can cause a worsening of rosacea include things that put pressure on the body such as stress, strenuous exercise and hot or cold weather. Guard your skin by keeping these factors to a minimum.
Diet tips:
Although changing your diet hasn’t been shown to improve rosacea, avoiding certain foods or drinks can make a difference to the severity of your condition.
It’s been proven that alcohol can aggravate flair ups, so by reducing your intake it can help calm the flushing of your skin.
Similar to alcohol, spices and heat (from hot foods or drinks) can irritate rosacea. Replacing chillies with cumin or curry powder with cardamom will calm your condition.
Akoma recommends:
Rosacea can flare up at any moment so having a natural product on hand can help to quickly soothe the sensitive skin.
We recommend Akoma Rose Water to calm the capillaries that are close to the skin and work to refresh its surface layer. Rose water is full of antioxidants with natural anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for cooling sensitive areas affected by rosacea.
Akoma Aloe Vera Butter is also relieving for rosacea sufferers. The butter is a thick, anti-inflammatory moisturiser that penetrates the three layers of the skin: the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. It contains no additives or colouring agents, making it suitable for those with generally sensitive skin.
Akoma Aloe Vera Butter is rich with amino acids that encourage the skin to produce new cells and hydrate the surface layer.